Friday, March 1, 2013

Minis by Erin Kent Photography

Hooray! It's that time of the year again!
No, not Easter dress shopping time. Although, I DID buy one two the other day. (Shhh!)
Nope, NOT St. Patty's Day time. You can put your green away. For now.
Drum roll, please... It's...
SPRING time! :)
That time of the year that photographers, namely YOUR photographer, loves!
You don't have to mention that it's been sleeting/flurrying snow here all day. My heart already aches at that. Especially when I hear of folks back home enjoying the sporadic days of upper 60 degree weather, complete with flip flops. Sighhh.

Anyways... I'm rambling. :) What's new?

I'm kicking off Spring with a series of mini sessions. I'm pretty excited to say that I'll be teaming up with another local business, The Education Station LLC!

Don't know about TES? It's an awesome hourly child care center that is run by a special friend of mine. Perfect for those days where you just need to run errands or have a little "me" time, alone. :)
 -Need to run get your nails done and want to avoid your child drinking the fingernail polish?
-Want to grab lunch with the girls without your two year old throwing a hunk of chicken nugget at the waiter's head?
-Does grocery shopping without having to say, "No, honey, you cannot have that double chocolate, marshmallow, peanut butter, ooey-gooey bar right now," sound appealing?

Three words:
The Education Station

I kid. I kid. I know your sweet ones are just that: sweet ones. :)
The ladies of TES provide hourly childcare for your sweet, little ones that you can absolutely trust. Not only do they love on your kids like they're their very own, they take the time to incorporate moments of learning by hosting themed weeks/days. Just recently they hosted a Dr. Seuss week of fun! How neat is that?!

You won't be the only one enjoying your "alone" time. :) I guarantee the kiddos will want to go back on a regular basis!
Details of the mini session that I'll be offering over at TES can be found pinned to the top of the  Facebook page, here. :) Be sure to book your slot today to ensure you get the perfect time for your little one! And be sure to visit The Education Station's Facebook page while your at it! Give them a "like" to stay informed on all that's happening at TES!
I look forward to seeing y'all out at the minis! <3


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