Hey there! I'm your photog. ;)
Let me first start by saying, I apologize for the kit lens quality photograph, the graininess and blur involved with the self portraits. I wasn't shooting for anything spectacular here (besides, I'm no model.) But, I did want to give ya a little glimpse of mwah while writing this first EVER blog!
I intend to use this blog to show extended sneak peeks of sessions that I shoot (since I'm currently BLOWING UP your Facebook) as well as give you a little glimpse into my life. I think that's important. That you know me on a personal level as well as a professional level. After all, I don't just meet you as clients, I keep you as friends.
I aspire to finally get a website up and running sometime during the new year, but for now, Facebook is suiting me nicely. Writing has always been a passion of mine, along with my more recent love of photography, so I figured I might as well utilize every inch of my creativity. You know, if you bottle that stuff up it explodes and ends with craziness like a room painted bright orange with purple polka dots.
You don't want me to paint a room bright orange with purple polka dots, do ya?
So, in light of the whole "getting to know you're photog" thing... I figured I'd tell ya 25 random facts! Oh goody! Here goes:
1) I love expressing myself creatively. I love photography but I also craft, cook, bake, sew, sing, antique, refurbish furniture and play the piano. Pinterest has only fueled this insane need for expression. ;)
2) I love my pup. Seriously, love. He's a Westie, and he's blonde, and he's fluffy, and he's just OOOOOH... I could eat him with a spoon.
3) I'm obsessive compulsive. I've never been diagnosed but I'm sure I could be. Everything has to be a certain way. I can tell if a picture frame has been moved in this house. No joke.
4) I am Southern from the roots of my teased hair to the red painted toenails on my tootsies and I wouldn't have it any other way.
5) I'm an Arkansas fan during football season and a Carolina fan during basketball season. ;) Best of both worlds.
6) Smell is everything to me! The way people smell, the way houses smell, the way food smells. I ALWAYS have some sort of candle or Scentsy burning in my home.
7) I sing in the shower. LOUDLY. My husband has learned to ignore it because there's nothing he can do about it. ;)
8) I have to wear earrings. I feel like a boy if I don't.
9) I'm extremely motivated when it comes to the Marine Corps and my husband's career, even though it's generally "taboo" to be so. I don't wear the camouflage or "My Husband's a Marine" shirt, but I cry during the National Anthem and Marine Corps Hymn and my heart swells when my husband has a great achievement or receives an award.
10) Dessert is my fave meal. (Yes, it's a meal.) My husband often scolds me for "saving room for dessert."
11) Although I have a major sweet tooth, I'm much more careful now. I lost close to 80 pounds during a three year period and it's one of my greatest accomplishments to date (besides marrying my love.) I fear the idea of ever returning to who I was.
12) I call my hubby embarrassing pet names like "hunka chunka hubby," "schnooky wooky," "punkin head," "baby doll," and "ooey gooey." (Oh, the list could go on and on. I'm the QUEEN of pet names.) He rolls his eyes each and every time and responds in a muffled tone, "Errrrin, don't call me that!"
13) I still get the eery feeling that someone is following me in my own home from time to time, even if Pat and the pup are down the hall, so I'll run as fast as I can and jump on the bed to escape the killer.
14) I am a Real Housewives FANATIC. I follow them on Instagram, created a Twitter account specifically to keep up with the drama and stalk them like mad. There's something so sweet about watching their drama while enjoying my completely drama free life. :)
15) When we were little, my sister and I would pretend that my mama's mini van was an airplane and we had a private butler named Francier. The seatbelts were our walkie talkies to summon him and he would often get us milkshakes from a local burger joint. ;)
16) I love old people. Oh. my. goodness. I love old people.
17) I'm obsessed with TJ Maxx and spend far too much time and money in their stores.
18) I would rather hear my daddy preach than any other preacher in the world. <3
19) K-Love is my station, yo. It keeps my spirits up and fuels me throughout the day.
20) Sometimes, if someone knocks on my door during the middle of the day, I drop to the floor and Army crawl to the next room so I can peak out the window and check 'em out. I have this huge fear of becoming a Lifetime movie. Better safe than sorry!
21) Bojangles Chicken and Biscuits is my FAVORITE fast food restaurant so I almost passed out in excitement when I learned that Clarksville's opened last week.
22) I long to cook like my mama and memaw. I can cook some mean vittles, y'all; don't get me wrong. There's just something about my mama and my memaw's cooking. Yes surr.
23) I love to read when I can actually take a moment and do so. However, my attention span is more limited in the late, so I don't find sitting still long enough to get involved in a book as interesting as I once did.
24) I love feeling my pregnant clients' bellies and waiting for kicks. :) (Annnnnd, you think I'm a creep.) I can't wait for the day when I get to experience it for myself, so until then, I live vicariously through my beautiful pregnant mama friends.
25) I yearn to own a farm one day with chickens and horses and cows and a dog with a Southern name like Roy or Chuck. :)
That's all folks! Now you know some of the random things about little ole me. (Sorry if I've creeped you out.) ;)
I look forward to writing to you and conversing with you in the future!
(Again, with the blurry pup. He doesn't really get the whole "sit still during a slower shutter speed" deal.)
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